Terms & conditions

This is the policy for the processing of personal data of ICYE COLOMBIA, from now on and hereinafter ICYE and / or “WE”, as responsible for the processing of personal data in the exercise of the activities contained in the corporate purpose of the ORGANIZATION, here describes your rights as owner of the personal information, in respect of which the treatment is performed.

For your knowledge, we collect your personal data, prior express authorization, through different channels, such as when you purchase services in the conclusion of contracts or agreements and/or in any other way that the organization has devised for the marketing of its services. The personal data collected are used by ICYE COLOMBIA for the purposes specified in this policy, WE will only use this information for the purposes stated; therefore, the organization will only perform the treatment that you have authorized us.

The handling of your personal data may only be performed by ICYE COLOMBIA in their specific areas and eventually WE may hire third parties to process your personal data, who will be obliged to protect your personal data in accordance with Colombian law and this policy of protection of personal data. The ORGANIZATION may make changes to this policy of processing of personal data.

Definitions. For your clarity, below are defined the terms related to your fundamental right of habeas data or personal data protection, important for the understanding of this policy of personal data processing.

  • Habeas data or personal data protection: It is a fundamental right that grants the holder the power to determine who and how personal information concerning him/her is managed and, in that sense, grants the power to know, update, rectify, authorize, include and exclude information that is considered as personal and that is being managed in the database of a public or private entity.
  • Authorization: Prior, express and informed consent of the holder to carry out the processing of personal data.
  • Databases: It is the organized set of personal data that are subject to processing.
  • Personal data: Any information of any kind linked or that may be associated to one or several determined or determinable natural persons.
  • Data Processor: The natural or legal person, public or private, who by himself or in association with others, carries out the processing of personal data on behalf of the data controller.
  • Controller: A natural or legal person, public or private, who by himself or in association with others, decides on the database and/or the processing of data.
  • Data subject: Natural person whose personal data is the object of processing.
  • Processing of personal data: Any operation or set of operations on personal data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion.
  • Sales channels: Any sales channel of ICYE COLOMBIA.
  • Privacy Notice: Verbal or written communication generated by ICYE COLOMBIA, addressed to the Holder for the Processing of their personal data, by which he/she is informed about the existence of the information processing policies that will be applicable, how to access them and the purposes of the Processing that is intended to be given to personal data.

Regulation of the Right of Habeas Data. The fundamental right of habeas data or protection of personal data is mainly regulated by the following norms:

  • Political Constitution, article 15.
  • Law 1266 of 2008. Law 1581 of 2012.
  • Regulatory Decree 1727 of 2009.
  • Regulatory Decree 2952 of 2010.
  • Partial Regulatory Decree No 1377 of 2013.
  • Constitutional Court Rulings C – 1011 of 2008, and C – 748 of 2011.

3. Responsible for the processing ICYE COLOMBIA, a non-profit entity legall constituted by the laws of the Republic of Colombia, is responsible for the processing of your personal data, in that it informs you, for all legal purposes, its identification data: Tax Identification Number: 860.508.861-7 Main address: Bogotá, D.C. Address for judicial notification: CARRERA 15 #36-40 E-mail: icyecol@icyecolombia.com Contact telephone: 310 734 6918.

4. ICYE COLOMBIA processes personal data of different types of data, and for different purposes; thus, this policy of personal data processing applies to: Personal data of ICYE COLOMBIA’s Clients. Personal data of ICYE COLOMBIA’s Suppliers. Personal data of ICYE COLOMBIA’s collaborators.

5. Rights of the Data Subject.You as the owner of the personal data have the following rights:

  1. To know, update and rectify your personal data. This right may also be exercised against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, incomplete, fractioned, misleading, or those whose treatment is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
  2. Request proof of the authorization granted by ICYE COLOMBIA for the processing of your personal data.
  3. Be informed of the use and treatment given to their personal data, upon request made through the service channels.
  4. To file complaints before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of the law and other rules that modify, add or complement it.
  5. To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of one or more data when the treatment does not respect the principles, rights and constitutional and legal guarantees. The revocation and/or suppression shall proceed when the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce has determined that the processing of the data has incurred in conduct contrary to the law and the Constitution.
  6. Access free of charge to your personal data that have been subject to processing.

6. Information that is collected. ICYE COLOMBIA collects after obtaining your consent, personal information that allows us to identify, locate or contact you. WE, we collect your personal information at the headquarters, commercial establishments, telephone hotlines, websites, mobile applications, in communications submitted directly by you to ICYE COLOMBIA and any other means devised by the ORGANIZATION to carry out the processing of personal data with your prior authorization.

7. Databases. ICYE COLOMBIA performs the administration of the databases listed here, that is, it has the control and power of decision on the management of these. Below, we would like to indicate which are the databases, of which we carry out treatment:

7.1.Customer Database.

  1. Description. It is the personal data of ICYE COLOMBIA’s Clients, who acquire services marketed by the organization through its different channels.
  2. Content. These databases contain the following personal information: Names and surnames, type of identification, identification number, nationality, gender, address, contact telephone number, e-mail, age, date of birth, marital status, family information and health information. This information will be stored by third parties, as long as we have the authorization to access and process this information.
  3. How ICYE COLOMBIA collects this information. ICYE COLOMBIA collects the personal information of its Clients when:
  • They register on the website https://www.icyecolombia.com.
  • They register to participate in surveys, fairs, contests developed by the organization.
  • They let us know that they are interested in receiving information about our services, such as email alerts, newsletters and other information notifications.
  • When they interact with US, on the web pages and other face-to-face services.

d. Purpose of the treatment. The information contained in these databases, is intended to allow the ORGANIZATION:

  • Develop, fulfill and execute the contract for the service you have purchased in any of the channels provided by WE.
  • Contact you via email, phone calls, sending SMS or other equivalent electronic means of communication, such as notifications, regarding updates or informational communications related to products and / or services purchased in the channels provided by the organization, whenever necessary or authorized.
  • Send you information about the organization’s services.
  • Send you advertising and communications for sales purposes, carrying out the processes of billing, portfolio, collection and payment for services actually provided.
  • Respond to your Petitions, Complaints or Claims (PQR’s).
  • Provide your information to data processors, such as service providers, data processing centers or data centers, payment processing companies, customer service, sending emails, and other services.
  • To attend judicial requirements of authorities of the public power of the Republic of Colombia. Fulfill the obligations contracted by the Organization.
  • To have a development in the marketing area to provide better service and advice and keep you updated on commercial and legal issues that may be of interest.
  • Comply with the legal mandates established in the Colombian legal system.

7.2.Supplier database.

a. Description. ICYE COLOMBIA collects personal data of certain persons who are linked to companies or who perform economic activities as suppliers as natural persons.
b. Content. This database refers to the content of the following personal information: Names and surnames, type of identification, identification number, address, contact telephone number, e-mail, position, financial, tax and commercial information.
c. How ICYE COLOMBIA collects this data. ICYE COLOMBIA collects personal information of natural persons who are suppliers of goods and services and personal data of persons designated by the companies providing goods and services when:

  • They are registered as suppliers of goods and services of the ORGANIZATION.

d. Purpose of the treatment. The purpose of the information contained in this database is to allow the ORGANIZATION to:

  • Inform the supplier about the status of the contractual relationship, inform about the news in execution of the contract and different topics of the agreed relationship.
  • Comply with the obligations acquired.
  • Comply with judicial decisions and administrative and legal, fiscal and regulatory provisions.
  • Comply with the legal mandates established in the Colombian legal system.

7.3. Collaborators database.

  1. Description. Are the personal data of candidates for a position in the organization, employees of ICYE COLOMBIA and former employees, who expect to have, have or had, employment contracts with US.
  2. Content. This database contains the following personal information: Names and surnames, type and number of identification, date and place of issue of identification document, date and place of birth, age, sex, marital status, place of residence, address, contact telephone, city, military passbook, email, pension fund, EPS, severance fund, data of family members including children and adolescents in the first degree of consanguinity, photographic and biometric records, occupation, formal and certified academic information, level of studies, degree obtained, date of entry, date of completion, languages, work experience, position held, name of company where worked, salary earned, contact information in case of emergency, bank account number for payroll, bank account information, medical data and blood group.
  3. How ICYE COLOMBIA collects this data. ICYE COLOMBIA collects the personal information of its candidates, workers and former workers when:
  • They present a candidacy or aspire to enter into an employment contract for a specific position.
  • Enter into employment contracts.
  • Enter into apprenticeship and internship contracts.

d. Purpose of the treatment. The information contained in this database is intended to enable the organization:

  • Select its personnel.
  • Issue labor certifications.
  • Provide job references to those who are interested.
  • Manage, directly or through third parties, the processes of selection and recruitment of personnel, including the evaluation and qualification of the participants and the verification of labor and personal references, and the realization of security studies.
  • Execute the activities of the organization’s Human Resources management, related to payroll, affiliations to entities of the general social security system, welfare and occupational health activities, exercise of the employer’s sanctioning authority.
  • Comply with the legal mandates established in the Colombian legal system.

8. Sensitive personal data and personal data of children and adolescents.

a. Sensitive personal data. ICYE COLOMBIA processes sensitive personal data. The processing of personal data of a sensitive nature is prohibited by the Colombian legal system, except with the express, prior and informed authorization of the owner, among other exceptions enshrined in Article 6 of Law 1581 of 2012. Therefore, the organization is allowed to inform you that in addition to complying with the requirements for authorization as set forth below, you are free to not authorize the processing of your sensitive data. ICYE COLOMBIA will treat sensitive data under strict security and confidentiality standards. For this purpose, the organization has implemented administrative, technical and legal measures, of mandatory compliance for those involved and, as applicable as the case may be, to its suppliers, related companies and business partners.

b. Personal data of children and adolescents. The processing of personal data of children and adolescents is prohibited, except in the case of data of a public nature, and when such processing complies with the following parameters and/or requirements:

  • That they respond to and respect the best interests of children and adolescents.That it ensures respect for their fundamental rights.
  • Once the above requirements are met, the legal representative of the children and adolescents will grant the authorization, after the minor has exercised his or her right to be heard, an opinion that will be assessed taking into account the maturity, autonomy and ability to understand the matter.
  • ICYE COLOMBIA will make proper use of the processing of personal data of children and adolescents, however, it is worth mentioning that ICYE COLOMBIA does not collect or process data of minors.

9. Authorization. You authorize ICYE COLOMBIA to process your personal data for the purposes specified with your prior, free and informed consent. We obtain your authorization, enabled by the rules in force in the Colombian legal system, by mechanisms that guarantee your consultation, these are:

  • In writing.
  • Orally or by telephone.
  • Data message.

In ICYE COLOMBIA we will not treat your data for purposes different or different from those you authorize us. Anyway, at the time of collecting your personal data, you will be informed, expressly, unequivocally the purpose of treatment, in addition to the possibility for you to exercise your right of habeas data, access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the information that is collected. In the case of contracts, pre-contracts or labor, commercial or administrative agreements and the processing of your personal data is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship, the special rule shall apply.

10. National and international transfer and transmission of personal data. ICYE COLOMBIA may transfer and transmit personal data collected, effectively complying with the standards of protection of personal data required by the Colombian legal system and the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, specifically may use third-party platforms to analyze user behavior and to optimize digital marketing efforts, taking special care that the personal data of customers, are not transmitted to others, or used for purposes other than those indicated here.

11. Deletion of account data Conditions for deletion of account data: Whoever wishes to delete their account data in ICYE COLOMBIA must be the owner of the data. The ownership of the data or user account is demonstrated by identifying with the identity document with which it is registered, in no more than fifteen (15) working days we will respond to your request. Our customer service line 310 734 6918 or whatsapp chat is available to contact us and clarify any doubts. You may also request the removal by email icyecol@icyecolombia.com

12. Retention period: Once the user requests the deletion of your data, they will be deactivated and deleted within fifteen (15) business days.

13. Area responsible for attention and procedure for the exercise of the holder’s rights. ICYE COLOMBIA, as responsible for the processing of your data, is committed to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee the exercise of your right of habeas data. The organization has a special area, responsible for receiving, processing and resolving your requests, complaints and / or claims, PQR’s, for matters related to your personal data collected. The holder of personal information collected by ICYE COLOMBIA, as responsible for its treatment, may contact the Data Protection Officer, in the channels provided for:

  • Request the correction, updating or deletion of their personal data collected.
  • Submit a PQR regarding this policy of personal data processing.
  • Consult the personal information that has been collected.
  • To revoke the authorization granted for the processing of personal data. For this purpose, the holder must: Write an email with address to icyecol@icyecolombia.com, once the respective communication is received, the Responsible Area, will have 15 working days to resolve the PQR, and provide a response to the holder.When it is not possible to address the PQR within that term, the Holder will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which his claim will be addressed, which may not exceed eight (8) working days following the expiration of the first term. However, if the request does not have all the information to make the corresponding validations and/or is incomplete, the holder will be required within five (5) days following the receipt of the claim to correct the faults. After two (2) months from the date of the request, without the applicant submitting the required information, it will be understood that the request has been withdrawn. The Responsible Area shall send the respective response to the e-mail address from which the concern and/or claim was sent, or to the address indicated in the communication. Any communication that lacks a physical or electronic address to respond will not be considered and will be discarded.
  • e.In case you do not wish to receive advertising messages, you can unsubscribe by logging into my account, notifications and then disabling the confirmation checkboxes of each type of contact, SMS, Email or Push Notifications, from which you do not wish to receive contact from the Company.
  1. Modifications to the personal data processing policy of ICYE COLOMBIA may, at its discretion, modify its personal data processing policy.
  2. Validity. The present policy of treatment of personal data of ICYE COLOMBIA is updated and becomes effective on the eleventh (11th) day of September two thousand twenty-three 2023.